Normal skin
Morning: Phyto Visage and Crème Douce de Jour
Evening: Phyto Visage and Crème Douce de Nuit
1-2 times/week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel
Dry skin
Morning: Phyto Visage and Crème #1 Nutritive
Evening: Phyto Visage and Crème #6 Plein Vent
1 times/ week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel and Masque Hydratant Apaisant
As a course: Sérum N 24 Hydratation Cellulaire
Small blemishes and imperfections
Morning: Phyto Purifiant and Crème Douce de Jour / Fluide Hydratanat Matifiant
Evening: Phyto Purifiant and Crème Douce de Jour or Crème Phyto Détoxiquante few times a week
1-2 times/week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel and Masque Pureté Rééquilibrant
As a course: Sérum N 23 Pureté Contrôle
Sensitive skin and irritations
Morning: Phyto Visage and Phyto Flash (10-15 min on the fine lines), afterwards use Crème #1 Nutritive
Evening: Phyto Visage and Crème Phyto Détoxiquante alternating with Crème Douce de Nuit
1 times/week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel and Masque Hydratant Apaisant
As a course: Sérum N 21 Désensibilisant à l'Azulène
Oily problem skin
Morning: Phyto Purifiant (insist on the problem areas) and Crème #3 Purifiante
Evening: Phyto Purifiant (insist on the problem areas) and Crème Phyto Détoxiquante
1-2 times/week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel and Masque Pureté Rééquilibrant
As a course: Sérum N 23 Pureté Contrôle
Lack of tone, fine lines and wrinkles
Morning: Phyto Visage and Phyto Flash (10-15 min on the fine lines), afterwards use Crème Top Fermandé Anti Rides / Fluide Jeunesse Celluliare.
Evening: Phyto Visage and Phyto Flash (10-15 min on the fine lines), afterwards use Crème #2Régénératrice.
1-2 times/ week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel and Masque Raffermissant Jeunesse
As a course: Sérum N 28 Collagène Vital / Sérum N 27 Elastine Fondamentale / Sérum N 25 Anti Rides D'Expression
Tired skin, lack of radiance
Morning: Phyto Visage and Phyto Flash, afterwards Crème Top Fermandé Anti Rides
Evening: Phyto Visage and Crème #6 Plein-Vent
1-2 times/ week: Exfoliant Délicat Naturel and Masque Hydratant Apaisant